
What is Ethnomusicology?

Having Scripture-based songs is a way for people to store God’s Word in their hearts as well as worship Him meaningfully. Developing community members to compose Scripture songs in their heart language using culturally appropriate music style is therefore essential.

Community leaders and cross-cultural missionaries together must then explore their vision for use of songs in their languages and its impact. We desire that it would lead to many talented people from each community are trained in different ways, to be poets, songwriters, composers, singers, musicians, stage singers etc. This will introduce singing ethnic songs in Churches to worship the Lord Jesus in a meaningful way. Worship leads to personal transformation which in turn leads to the Church impacting the community. We dream that every Church & Language Community will develop their-own strategy for developing scripture-based songs for worshiping Jesus.

We conduct 4 days’ workshop and is usually organized where community resides. The workshop helps to develop in the people a mind-set to respect their own ethnic songs. It helps the participants to realize how much effect scriptural ethnic music can have on the community especially for people to grow in the knowledge of the Lord. The participants will be trained in writing Scripture-based songs in a culturally appropriate way using their mother tongue. They will also be trained to check the Biblical accuracy of the songs and will learn to record songs and distribute them through relevant media. The learner will be doing self-generated research throughout the lessons about their own ethnic situation. By the end of the course, they will leave with ample knowledge about their own culture and a curiosity to do further research.

Dhundari Song

Song lyrics

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